Technological Transfer and Innovation
CITET plays a leading role in the processes of cooperation and transfer of environmental technologies from the producing countries, located in the North, to the countries of the South, and in particular in Tunisia and in the Arab-African and Mediterranean region. In this context, the center offers its expertise and consultancy on environmental technologies, with strategic partnerships in the context of technological networks for environment.
The Center shall, in the field of applied research and technology transfer, provide:
Transfer and innovation of environmental techniques and technologies;
Establishment of business incubators in the fields of eco-technologies;
Development of the results of scientific research and inventions to end up to the production phase;
Establishment of partnership with industrials and researchers in order to develop environmental techniques;
Implementation of research development programs and technology transfer through pilot projects and demonstration which both meet the needs of public and private operators and the requirements of sustainable development.
The main research topics are:
Renewable energies (energy recovery from organic waste, biomethanization, wind energy production, biofuels ...);
Treatment and recovery of wastewater (rural sanitation,biological treatment of vegetable waters);
Treatment and recovery of solid waste (recovery of organic waste by composting, valorization of vegetable waters);
Technologies Transfer and adaptation (Technology Networks, Technology Transfer)