Biomethanization is a biological procedure for the transformation of organic carbon into a biogas composed essentially of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). This transformation is achieved by a microbial fauna in strict anaerobic conditions (absence of oxygen), and in a reducing environment (redox measurement inferior to -300mV).
Methanization applies to different contexts for the treatment of effluents and organic waste. Various technologies have been developed according to the nature of the substrate and the goal targeted (decontamination and/or energy production). The performances of the organic matter transformation are thus variable, and lead to the production of a fermentation residue called digestate. This product has interesting characteristics and could be recovered as an organic fertilizer.
The description of the different support phases for the establishment of an energy valorization unit is presented below:
PHASE 1: characterization and quantification campaign
• Physico-chemical characterization of the organic waste produced by the enterprise.
• Evaluation of the production of biogas by waste through BMP tests.
• Determination of the waste pre-treatment procedure.
• Preparation of an action plan for supporting the establishment of a unit of energy recovery by biomethanization.
PHASE 2: sizing of the pilot plant
• Defining the optimization parameters for the fermentability and the fermenting profile.
• Preparation of a detailed pre-project.
• Sizing of the pilot plant.
• Preparation of the project’s feasibility study.
• Preparation of the sets of specifications (Civil Engineering and equipment).
PHASE 3: establishing the unit
• Launch of the call for tenders.
• Implementation of the civil engineering part.
• Purchase of equipment.
PHASE 4: start up and performance optimization
• Monitoring and experimenting the procedure.
• Optimizing the operation of the reactor.
PHASE 5: popularization of the findings
• Theoretical and practical training on behalf of the unit’s managers.
• Publication of a guide of management’s good practices for this type of units.
The establishment of a biomethanization unit could also be ensured by CITET thanks to its experts. Numerous reports are delivered all along this action (preliminary report, action plan, detailed pre-project, feasibility study, sets of specifications, and a final report).