Since 2011, and with the support of GIZ, CITET has initiated a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) promotion and support
program for the enterprises according to the principles of the United Nations World Pact. CSR is defined as: “a concept in
which the enterprises integrate their social, environmental, and economic preoccupations in their activities and in their
interactions with the stakeholders on a voluntary basis” (definition by the European Community). The CSR program comes
within the framework of the national policy of sustainable development.
The program implemented by CITET revolves around three axes:
- Training national competences (experts and enterprises) on the international standard of the United Nations World
Pact, and the CSR establishment tools within the industrial enterprises;
- Technical assistance and support to a group of pilot enterprises (ten of them) in the integration of the CSR
principles and action fields in their strategies and activities aiming to adopt an approach that takes into account the
three sustainable development pillars (economic, social, and environmental);
- The information and communication on CSR via awareness seminars, publications on the enterprises’ good CSR
practices, and a website for interaction and information sharing.
To this day, the program achieved encouraging results in the promotion of CSR, especially contributing to:
- The adherence of Tunisian enterprises to the United Nations World Pact;
- The training of a group of national experts (20 persons trained, of whom 10 from CITET);
- The publication of a CSR’s good practices guide, and the development of a website dedicated to CSR.
As a sustainable development actor, CITET has equally adopted an operational OSR approach within its internal structures
via its formal adherence to the United Nations World Pact on September 24, 2012 so as to enhance its capacities and to
effectively and fully play its role in promoting CSR in the Tunisian enterprises.
Achievements and accomplishments
- Training of 20 national experts (on the standard and the tools for its establishment within the enterprises);
- Supporting a group of pilot enterprises (integrating the strategies and activities of the CSR and SD principles);
- Information and communication on CSR (awareness seminars, publications on CSR good practices, etc.).
It aimed to provide hotels with a full support in the preparation to the 2014 Travelife certification, and to train social
experts on the criteria of Travelife 2014.
- Training 10 national experts on the integrated approach of the hotel industry (Travelife label);
- Supporting a group of 10 hotels;
- Information and communication on the procedure (preparation of a methodological guide on the support procedure).