Technical and Technological Assistance
Today companies have, in order to compete and progress on a highly competitive international market, not only respect the standards in force but more generally integrate the environmental component into every aspect of their product life cycle.(good or service).
For this purpose, CITET offer them the necessary support and assistance, which consists of a set of programs and measures in the form of a structured process, for integrating the environmental dimension into the company by controlling the resources exploitation and raw materials and streamlining of forms of production and consumption. It’s by adopting this approach that the center helps them to improve their competitiveness by promoting win-win strategies leading both to the preservation of the environment and to the conquest of new national and international markets through alignment with directives and environmental requirements.
Services offered to companies are:
-Environmental diagnosis: Assessment of the company’s strengths and weaknesses from an environmental point of view in order to identify areas for improvement in the short and medium term;
-Council for the management and treatment of discharges;
-Council for choosing cleaner technologies;
-Accompaniment for the implementation of the Tunisian Ecolabel;
-Support for the implementation of Environmental Management
-Systems EMS: ISO 14001 / EMAS, GEP; CSR (Global Compact, ISO 26000);
-Accompaniment for setting up the Quality-Environment-Safety /Health SMI;
-Technical assistance for setting up PP and PP + cleaner production tools and their practices.